Monthly Archives: November 2013

2013-11-21 Energy Week


¶   “Energy Week with George Harvey and Tom Finnell” has Jason Cooper as our guest. It can be viewed online at this link. It is carried on BCTV in Brattleboro; please see the station listings. Other Vermont public stations may respond to requests to carry the program. (Wikipedia’s list of Vermont public stations is at this link.)

¶   Safe & Green is hosting a decommissioning panel on Tuesday Dec. 3, 6:30pm at SIT. Could you promote on your show – or better yet, can I join you for a bit? Attached is a flyer +/or


¶   Iowa has 3,200 wind turbines producing 5,100 megawatts of wind energy, or 25% of the state’s electric needs. It also is home to 13 manufacturers producing wind turbine parts. Tom Wind, an expert on windpower in Iowa, says there is growth ahead. [Quad City Times]

¶   California is set to nearly double its wind and solar power generation over the next seven years as utility companies try to meet the state’s requirement to source 33% of energy from renewables by 2020, reliability regulators said. [Business Spectator]

¶   Japan took a major step back Friday from earlier pledges to slash its greenhouse gas emissions, saying a shutdown of its nuclear power plants in the wake of the Fukushima disaster had made its previous target unattainable. [New York Times]

¶   The newly projected 350% growth of Japan’s solar market from 2012 to 2013 dwarfs estimates made earlier this year. The latest forecast is almost a full gigawatt higher than the 5.3 gigawatts expected by analysts earlier this year. [EnergyCollective]

¶   ”Renewable Energy Can Pave The Path To Peace – Analysis” One way or another, society has to pay the price of conflict over energy, more often than not perpetuating an endless cycle of poverty. Procuring energy does not need to be so brutal. [Eurasia Review]


¶   The decommissioned Connecticut Yankee nuclear plant received another $126 million in a dispute with the US DOE over the continued storage of nuclear waste in Connecticut, the plant’s owner announced Friday. [Hartford Business]

¶   Data from Energinet, the Danish grid operator, says wind power has produced 30% of gross power consumption so far in 2013. During 90 hours wind produced more than 100% of power needs, with the high at 122%. Looking ahead, these figures will probably grow. [Energy Collective]


¶   Exelon CEO Christopher Crane has acknowledged that the Quad Cities and Clinton nuclear plants are in financial trouble. He says both plants could stay open if they can get long-term contracts at prices above current market rates. [Crain’s Chicago Business]

¶   All the stuff folks in Gresham, Fairview, and Wood Village, Oregon put down their toilets and other drains is being harnessed to slash energy costs for sewer system customers. Eight years ago it cost $40,000 per month; soon it will be $0. [Portland Tribune]


¶   Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), has introduced the American Renewable Energy and Efficiency Act. It would require electric utilities to get at least 25% of their electricity from renewable sources by 2025, starting at 6% in 2015 and rising gradually. [Grist]

¶   Tokyo Electric Power Co. has started removing nuclear fuel from a damaged reactor building at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant for the first time, marking a new stage in the decades-long decommissioning process. [Asahi Shimbun]

¶   West-facing rooftop solar panels produced 49% more electricity during peak demand compared to south-facing panels, according to a new study from Pecan Street Research Institute. The research is the first of its kind to evaluate orientation of PV panels. [Energy Collective]


¶   A carbon tax of $25 per ton of emissions would cut the deficit by $1 trillion over a decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Of 103 cost-cutting ways detailed, the carbon tax was far and away the biggest deficit reducer of any option listed. [CleanTechnica]

¶   ”Green Energy Is Grassroots Energy In Germany” One of the most misunderstood aspects of Germany’s energy transition is the assumption that this is top-down mandate to adopt green energy. Nothing could be further from the truth.[CleanTechnica]


¶   The nuclear industry won a victory when a federal appeals court said the US should stop collecting $750 million a year for a spent-fuel repository. The question of where to put the waste is still not settled. [Businessweek]

¶   Social media strategies may have been decisive when voters in Colorado and Ohio communities approved anti-fracking ballot initiatives in early November. The pro-fracking ads cost nearly $900,000, but lost to a $26,000 anti-fracking campaign. []

¶   TEPCO’s president said the lessons they learned from the 2011 meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi plant and its subsequent ongoing clean-up should serve as a warning to the world that nuclear energy is not fully safe. [The Japan Daily Press]


¶   New research says there were errors in earlier measurements of global temperatures that indicated global warming had slowed, because data from Africa was omitted. It says global warming has continued in a way consistent with earlier computer models. [Energy Collective]

¶   Researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev have developed a process to convert carbon dioxide and hydrogen, two of the most common elements on earth, into a renewable alternative for crude oil. [Renewable Energy Magazine]

¶   Construction of Du Pont’s cellulosic biorefineries is underway in Nevada, Iowa. The biorefinery will use agricultural waste from neighboring farms as a feedstock and annually supply 30 million gallons of cellulosic renewable fuel. []

2013-11-14 Energy Week


¶   UK renewable energy expert UrbanWind is getting new orders. It believes the government’s price guarantees for the new Hinkley Point nuclear reactor will move companies towards less expensive renewable alternatives and energy independence. [AltEnergyMag]

¶   A Dutch organization called Better Energy puts some perspective on German power in a new study. Facts: Subsidies for Nuclear and fossil fuels are three times those of renewables; the Leipzig Insurance Forum says a meltdown could cost up to €6 trillion; … [CleanTechnica]


¶   German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and the Social Democrats agreed to retain a moratorium on fracking for gas and cut incentives for wind power in areas where it is abundant, if they form a new coalition government. [Reuters]


¶   The owner of a North Texas nuclear power plant has tabled its request for federal permission to expand the plant. Luminant Generation had asked the NRC for a license to build two new reactors at Comanche Point, but is putting the request on hold. [CBS Local]

¶   The European Commission’s energy chief says a proposal on mandatory disaster insurance for nuclear power plants will be presented in coming weeks. The proposal may be one of the first items on the European Parliament’s agenda after May elections. [Las Vegas Sun]


¶   The United States Department of Energy has announced a plan to spur solar power deployment by cutting red tape for residential and small commercial rooftop solar systems. Cutting red tape can cut a large part of the costs of a system. [SmartMeters]

¶   Starting in 2014, California is implementing a tsunami of building code revisions called Title 24. These revised building codes will move California’s residential and commercial buildings toward Zero Net Energy, making as much energy as they take. [Triple Pundit]

¶   The Chief Development Officer of Energy and Climate Change for Sydney, Australia, intends to have the city rely 100% on renewable energy sources for power, heating, cooling, and transport by 2030. [CleanTechnica]


¶   ”The $523 Billion In Fossil Fuel Subsidies Is Money We’re Not Spending On Renewables” One of the hardest problems in halting climate change is the way countries continue to subsidize the problem, and the problem is fossil fuels. [Co.Exist]

¶   China will build more renewable power plants through 2035 than the European Union, U.S. and Japan combined, according to the IEA. The share of renewable energy sources in world electricity supply will rise above 30% in that period. [Businessweek]

¶   The Vermont Electric Cooperative hopes to build the state’s largest utility-owned solar power project as part of the effort to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The 5 MW project would be built in the western part of the co-op’s service territory.[Barre Montpelier Times Argus]


¶   Japanese officials have admitted for the first time that thousands of people evacuated from areas near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may never be able to return home. [The Guardian]

¶   Ontario Power Generation wants a 30% increase in the rate it is paid for electricity generated by nuclear power. The rate increase, if approved by the Ontario Energy Board, could add about $5.36 each month to the bill for typical residential customers. [Waterloo Record]

¶   The Australian federal government said it will cut funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency by $435 million. A bill to defer a further $370 million to nearly a decade hence is also enacted in proposed new legislation.[RenewEconomy]

¶   The International Energy Agency says the world will likely need to have around 48% of total electricity generation produced by renewable energy sources by 2035, if it is to meet the stated climate change goals of international governments. [RenewEconomy]
… World Energy Outlook 2013 expects renewables to represent 31% of the global electricity supply in 2035, and warns that the path which we are currently on will not come close to limiting warning to two degrees centigrade.[]


¶   The head of the World Energy Council has warned that without governments providing financial support to nuclear power projects, the sector’s share of the power generation market will remain stationary. [PennEnergy]

¶   A remote-controlled robot has succeeded in pinpointing two holes in the containment vessel of the damaged Unit 1 reactor at Fukushima Daiichi. The robot’s camera captured images of water leaking into the building housing the reactor. [RTT News]

¶   Eos Energy Storage says it has a breakthrough energy storage systems that could make a huge impact on the energy market. The 1-MW/6-MWh Aurora energy storage system can reportedly achieve 10,000 cycles and costs $160/kWh for a DC system. [CleanTechnica]